Tick History Instrument Search API

Hi Team, I am running https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Search/InstrumentSearch
API body
{ "SearchRequest": { "InstrumentTypeGroups": [ "CollatetizedMortgageObligations", "Commodities", "Equities", "FuturesAndOptions", "GovCorp", "MortgageBackedSecurities", "Money", "Municipals", "Funds" ], "IdentifierType": "OrgId", "Identifier": "108695992", "PreferredIdentifierType": "Isin" } }
I am getting limited output and the output is limited to may be 250 results and at the end I get "@odata.nextlink": "https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Search/InstrumentSearch?$skiptoken='MjUw'"
How can I download the full result for Identifier search?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    The odata.maxpagesize setting is defined in the OData standard. This usage of this setting is defined in the Server-Driven Paging.

    The page size default is 250 records for endpoints that support paging. This value can be customized although the DataScope REST API is not required to honor the requested page size. You should always code the user agent to account for the nextlink.
    Page sizes can be customized by setting the 'odata.maxpagesize' preference.

    It mentions that the application should be able to handle the nextlink.

    To handle it, please refer to the answer on this thread.


  • I found the below info and was able to retrieve the data.

    Prefer: respond-async;odata.maxpagesize=100000
    One question on this - On DSS GUI we can view max 5k records, so on API the limit is 5k or maxpagesize=100000