Tic History Identifier List Info

Hi team, we need to consume ticHistory for the identifier List, can you please provide info for the identifier list and their format so we can put into the request ?
For example if we need to get the tic hisotyr from EUR to INR how can we send it or from USD to INR.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Sorry, we don't have any link where all the RICs whose data is present in RTH.

    You can use the Search/InstrumentSearch endpoint to get all RICs in the Money group.

      "SearchRequest": {
        "InstrumentTypeGroups": [     
        "IdentifierType": "Ric",
        "Identifier": "*",
        "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric"

    The output returns with paging in the "@odata.nextlink" element.


    To handle it, please refer to the answer on this thread.

    Otherwise, you can contact the Tick History support team directly via MyRefinitiv to get a list of RICs for you.


  • @om.joshi

    According to the question, I assume that you would like to know how to construct RICs for spot rates. You can refer to the answer on this thread.

    Then, you can use it in the request like this:

    "InstrumentIdentifiers": [
                        "Identifier": "EURINR=",
                        "IdentifierType": "Ric"

    For more information, you can also refer to the Refinitiv Tick History (RTH) - REST API Tutorials.

  • Hi
    @Jirapongse i want list of all the currencies for which the tick history data is being provided by the refinitiv.

    I tried to create a some RIC for ticHistory but it is saying it is not avaiable . If there is any list available for the same it will be helpful

  • Can you please provide any link where all the RICs whose data is present there ? I tried to create some RIC for historical tic data , so any list where we can check where the currency pair data i present @Jirapongse .
    Thank you