Mutual fund data extraction

We have reviewed the query you raised in relation to extracting time series mutual funds domiciled in the U.S. and Europe and their holdings using API (Python) and filtering ESG from conventional mutual funds.

Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓

    @RamadanEA , Depends how do you define "ESG Funds". If you just use the Fund ESG scores say screening funds with Fund level ESG score greater than 70, then RDP Funds API can do that. However, I am not sure if you have access to RDP Funds API, it is not and "Eikon-API". It is a separate REST API.


  • Hi @RamadanEA , I'm not sure what you mean by 'We have reviewed the query you raised '. No queries risen would entail a question asked on this portal. Would you mind clarifying your question? Are you asking if collecting US mutual fund data is possible in Python using Refinitiv APIs? If so: yes it's possible by using the Search API.

  • Apology for copying that part "We have reviewed the query you raised"!

    I need to extract list of mutual funds domiciled in the U.S and Europe

    Filter ESG mutual funds from non-ESG mutual fund list

    Filter active from passive funds

    Then, retrieve time series holiding of these funds' lists

    My question is how can retrieve the funds' lists and their time series holdings using python API, please?

    Hope I made it clearer!

  • Hi @RamadanEA,

    This looks like a perfect use-case for the Search API. Have you had a look at it and how it may apply in your scenario?

  • Hi @jonathan.legrand

    Thank you for your reply. I had a look, but I have not figured it out yet. Maybe I will have another look!