EMA:Failed to perform transport secure channel connections to hosts. Error: Couldn't add the channel


ClientName: LoginCallbackClient

Severity: Error

Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status message

username <not set>

usernameType <not set>

State: Closed/Suspect/Usage error - text: "Failed to perform transport secure channel connections to hosts. Error: Couldn't add the channel to the token session as the token reissue interval(-2319 ms) is too small."


three question:

one:Why does this happen?

two:How do I catch this exception error?

three:How to handle this error? (Code examples would be great)


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    You need to contact the LPC support team via MyRefinitiv to verify the error.

    The error was sent in the login status message with the closed stream state so EMA will not recover the connection.

    ClientName: LoginCallbackClient
    Severity: Error
    Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status message
    username <not set>
    usernameType <not set>

    State: Closed/Suspect/Usage error - text: "Failed to perform transport secure channel connections to hosts. Error: Couldn't add the channel to the token session as the token reissue interval(-2319 ms) is too small."

    However, the application can detect it by registering the login request to receive the login status messages in the callback, as shown in the example 333.

    Then, if the application received the login status message with the closed stream state, the application can create a new consumer to connect to LPC.


  • @zhangqingfeng

    Are you getting this error while connecting to LPC?

  • Yes,connecting LPC
  • Thanks,i will test example 333,if it works and then accepts this comment
  • Hi @Jirapongse

    According to our production, we can only catch Ok and Suspect instead of Close states

  • @zhangqingfeng

    For the login stream, if the stream state (statusMsg.state().streamState()) is still opened (StreamState.OPEN) but the data state (statusMsg.state().dataState()) is suspect (DataState.SUSPECT), typically, EMA will recover the connection on behalf of the application.

        domain="Login Domain"
        state="Open / Suspect / None / 'channel down'"
  • Hi Jirapongse,

    could you advise how to capture stream state (statusMsg.state().streamState()) is Closed ? Client want to capture it and rebuild consumer.



  • Statusmsg.state().streamState()or refreshmsg.state ().streamState() can be fetched to closed?

  • Both refresh and status messages contain stream states. You can check stream states on both refresh and status messages.