How to restart Eikon automatically, from windows task scheduler?

We need to automatically restart Eikon everyday. Is there a way we can do that in the windows task scheduler?



  • Hello @jason.huang

    Please be informed that the Q&A forum is dedicated to Refinitiv Api's general usage questions.

    I highly recommend you contact the Eikon support team directly to help you. You can contact the team via the website.


  • taskkill /F /IM EikonBoxNet.exe /T & timeout 5 >nul & taskkill /F /IM EikonBox.exe /T & timeout 5  >nul & call taskkill /F /IM Eikon.exe /T & timeout 10  >nul & start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Eikon.exe"

    I put the following in a .bat file and use the Windows scheduler to run it every day. The order in which you kill the processes is important, otherwise they keep recovering.

  • Thank you doina. I did the same thing after calling the Eikon support got the answer they don't support the graceful auto restart.

    Instead of killing the subprocesses I killed Eikon.exe and I can see all children gone.