Is it possible to retrieve all indicators using only permids not rics in Eikon data api?

Via excel it is not possible to extract data using Permid; however, via Eikon data api it is possible. Is there any limitations on this or are there any flaws of this method?

Please find an example below. It is just an example. My question is about general method.

import eikon as ek


df, err = ek.get_data(

instruments = ['4295905573',










fields = ['TR.PE'])



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    You can use the PermIds in Eikon Excel to retrieve the data. The formula is:

    =@TR("4295905573;4295860867;4295861186;4295861643;4295861649;4295861939;4295861978;4295862639;4295886292;5074552923","TR.PE;TR.RIC","CH=Fd RH=IN",G4)

    The output is:


    The output is similar to the output from Eikon Data API.


    Therefore, you need to contact the Eikon Excel support team directly MyRefinitiv regarding the limitations when using PermIds in Eikon Excel to retrieve the data. I think the limitations in Eikon Excel will also be applied to Eikon Data API.


  • @Jirapongse thank you; however, it is not exactly the reason why I created this request. The question is about using permid via eikon data api.

    Do I need to retrieve RICS from PERMID then retrieve indicators' data or it is not necessary and I always can use only permids. What do you recommend in general?

  • @alekseenkova.marina

    Yes, you can use PermIDs in Eikon Data API and Eikon Excel.

    However, if you are unable to retrieve the data with Eikon Data API, you need to confirm it with Eikon Excel. If Eikon Excel is also unable to get the data, it could be a content issue. Therefore, you need to contact the Eikon support team directly to verify the content.

  • Could you please confirm that there is no difference between using RICS in the middle of the process or not and retrieve data via permids directly?
  • @alekseenkova.marina

    There is no difference in the API. API just sends requests to Eikon and then receives responses back. Eikon will process the requests and send the responses back to the API.

    Please contact the Eikon support team directly to confirm how Eikon internally handles PermIds and RICs.