First off, sorry if this is not the place to ask, but I have been not able to find if there is any w

get_data('0#.SPX', fields = list('TR.TRESGScore(SDate=0,EDate=-18,Period=FY0,Frq=FY)')

I use R, but if there was an answer that requires Python, I do not mind it. Thanks, and will delete or post where it should be if this is not the place.

Best Answer

  • anita.varma
    Answer ✓

    The ESG data model is to store annual data. If any change/correction/restatement is made to the annual figure, the value is overwritten.
    There is a Point in Time ESG product, but it is only available over the RDP Bulk delivery mechanism. It's not available in Eikon. Do please reach out to your account manager if you are interested in an RDP ESG Point in Time bulk feed trial.
    Kind regards

