ImportError: cannot import name 'registry'

After setting up a conda env for Eikon and launching Jupyter Notebook I get an error when I run:

import eikon as ek

the error is ImportError: cannot import name 'registry'
I have tried updated pandas and updating all in my env. Nothing seems to help.

For context my work machine does not let me work from the main drive so I had to create a folder on another drive to contain my environment. My set up in Conda therefore looks like this:

(M:\EikonAPI\Eikon_env) M:\EikonAPI\Eikon_env>

I am not sure whether this would cause any problems. This is the only way I can use other API's like the bloomberg API on my work machine.



  • hi @archie.brixton ,

    Could you please provide the package versions with pip freeze command and I'm going to try to reproduce the issue.

  • Here is first part, will send in two images

  • Here is the second part

  • Please let me know what you think. Do I need to install pip3 and perform an upgrade of packages?
    Thanks for your help. Appreciate it.

  • @archie.brixton

    Can you create a new virtual environment? Then, install just the Eikon package and its dependicies to verify if it works.

  • hi @archie.brixton ,

    I tried to reproduce the issue with the same list of Python libraries you've used but I can import the Eikon library properly without any error (I'm using Python version 3.9.12). Hence, could you please try as Jirapongse mentioned and let us know if the issue still persists?