Annual Single Value for Dividend Paid per Share

i´m looking for a way for the "annual total dividend paid per share". I used the "Gross Dividend Amount" as well as the "Adjusted Gross Dividend Amount". Both look in general good BUT I want to see a single value per FY from FY2014 until FY2021.

If I sort by Period End Date it shows duplicated because of the Dividend Type (Final, Interim, Special, Extra).

Is there a way to sum up all these Types into one single value per year. So that I have one Dividend Value for the 8 different FY?

I have tried the sum function on this, but this sums up the dividend for all 8 years.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    For questions regarding Eikon Excel's formula (=@TR function), please get in touch with the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The support team can verify the formula or provide the correct one that may be used to retrieve the required data.


  • hi @student17 ,

    Could you please provide the code you're using for further investigation.

  • I have tried this one:

    =@TR('UN Prime 20150101'!E2:E321;"TR.DivUnadjustedGross";"SDate=FY2014 EDate=FY2021 DateType=PED CH=Fd;dividendtype RH=IN;periodenddate NULL=ZERO";$A$3)

    give me at least the different Dividend Types but still some duplicates in the Period End Year.

    Something like this with SUM would be perfect, if it can show the sum of each FY seperate

    =@TR('UN Prime 20150101'!E2:E321;"SUM(TR.DivUnadjustedGross)";"SDate=FY2014 EDate=FY2021 DateType=PED CH=Fd;dividendtype RH=IN;periodenddate NULL=ZERO";$A$3)

  • I have tried this one:

    =@TR('UN Prime 20150101'!E2:E321;"TR.DivUnadjustedGross";"SDate=FY2014 EDate=FY2021 DateType=PED CH=Fd;dividendtype RH=IN;periodenddate NULL=ZERO";$A$3)

    give me at least the different Dividend Types but still some duplicates in the Period End Year.

    Something like this with SUM would be perfect, if it can show the sum of each FY seperate

    =@TR('UN Prime 20150101'!E2:E321;"SUM(TR.DivUnadjustedGross)";"SDate=FY2014 EDate=FY2021 DateType=PED CH=Fd;dividendtype RH=IN;periodenddate NULL=ZERO";$A$3)

  • Here is the example with the dupe in Period End Date --> 2019 is shown twice

    and also the different types just as a sum would be good.
