


TR = "TR.TotalEquity"

fields_list = [str(TR)+".periodenddate",str(TR)+".date",str(TR)]

parameters = {"Frq":"FQ","Period":"1FQ2016:4FQ2017"}

data = ek.get_data("2120.T",fields = fields_list,parameters =parameters)



Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @21nm461f ,

    Please find an answer from the support team below

    I'd like to inform you that I converted the Python code to the Eikon Excel formula and provide the Excel formula to the support team for investigation. (as the data returned from the Eikon Excel formula and Eikon Data API are the same)

    After checked with our content team, below formula retrieve null values because the fiscal year end changed from 03/31/2018 to 09/30/2017 for the company 2120.T. For FY2017, there are two fiscal year end, one is 03/31/2017 12 month and another is 09/30/2017 6 month.
    =@TR("2120.T","TR.TotalEquity.periodenddate;TR.TotalEquity.date;TR.TotalEquity","Period=FQ0 Frq=FQ SDate=2016-12-31 EDate=2017-03-31 CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)

    In Eikon desktop, Eikon has data for 06/30/2016 (2017-Q1), 09/30/2016(2017-Q2), 12/31/2016(2017-Q3), 03/31/2017(2017-Q4), 06/30/2017(2017-Q3), 09/30/2017(2017-Q4). However, in Eikon excel, the database just show the latest Q3 and Q4 for 2017. If you expand above the date formula to SDate=2015-01-01 and EDate=2019-12-31, you will notice that there is not data for 12/31/2016 and 03/31/2017.

    Sincerely apologize to this inconvenience.

    Hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have further question

    For any questions regarding the content issue, I would recommend you
    create a content query ticket on MyRefinitiv (or
    contact the helpdesk directly via Eikon) as the moderators in this forum are an API experts, rather than content experts.


  • hi @21nm461f ,

    Thank you for reporting this.This issue has been raised to the related team via case number 11449940, we'll keep you updated.

  • @raksina.samasiri

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand the reason why I could not get it. But how exactly can I get it?

    Also, I did not understand the "create a content query ticket on MyRefinitiv" part. I would appreciate it if you could also tell me specifically how to ask the content team the question.

    Thank you in advance for your time and help.