DatastreamDSWS returns "NA" for "SECD" (SEDOL) using the "get_data" method

I am using the Datastream API for Python. It returns "NA" values - when I use the "DSGRID" Excel Add-in on the same list of securities, I get the required "SECD" values. My code:

securities = ['US0235861004', 'US29362U1043', 'US5393192027', 'US07134L1070', 'CA91702V1013', 'US0008681092', 'US4281031058', 'US16411R2085', 'INE733E01010', 'US18270D1063']

fields = ['SECD']
sec_str = "".join(['{},'.format(x) for x in securities])[:-1]
secd_list = ds.get_data(tickers=sec_str, fields=fields, kind=0)



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Does the problem still occur?

    If yes, please specify the versions of Python and DatastreamDSWS that you are using.

    Moreover, please use the below code at the beginning to log all HTTP requests and responses.

    import logging
    import http.client 
    http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 
    requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
    requests_log.propagate = True

    The output looks like this:



  • hi @utalwar ,

    I used the same code to verify the value, the result is as below


    This could be a permission issue or month-to-date usage exceeds the limit

    To check, first, you may check your usage if it exceeds the limit (You can read more about DSWS usage stats and limits for Desktop users here)

    ds.get_data(tickers='STATS', fields=['DS.USERSTATS'],kind=0, start='2021-01-15')

    Then, test the request via the DswsClient website to check if you have the right permission using Datastream Python library to retrieve this data. In the example response below, the value can be retrieved properly


    Hope this helps and please let me know in case there's any further questions

  • Thank you for your response. My usage is well below the limit. While using the Dsws Client website, I get the following response:
