[WorldCheckOne v2.46] How to filter cases using API?


As mentioned in the title, how can I filter cases using API. The use case I am trying to achieve is to get all cases with Resolution Status = Positive. Going through the v2.46 documentation I believe I am able to use the following API.

POST /cases/summaries

However, the query seems to support the following fields only.

'modificationDate' - Time when the case has been modified by the user;
'assignedUserId' - Identifier of the User cases are assigned to;
'groupId' - Identifier of the Group that owns the case
'creator' - Case author
'modifier' - Author of recent changes

*When testing out the API, noticed that creator and modifier will return the following error:
"cause": "Query attribute 'modifier' is invalid."

Are there any query fields I may miss out or any API/methods that can help me achieve my use case?

Thank you,

Best Answer

  • Hi @melvin,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Please note that the endpoints search and filter have not been made available yet to our developing community as we are still working on those.

    Best regards,

