rd.get_data queeps sending back annoying errors for real time requests 'Failure sending request'


When using the code below, I keep getting 'Failure sending request with <class 'refinitiv.data._data.content.fundamental.fundamental_and_reference.Definition'>' error messages, even though I get the data that I'm after:

['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY='],
['BID', 'ASK'])


The issue is that I have this in a loop, so for every data frame returned, I have many error messages to scroll through, be it in Jupyter or other IDEs...

I tried to ignore warnings, but that's bad practice and it didn't work anyway:

import warnings

Why are we getting this? why are we getting error messages for a field I didn't request?

Best Answer

  • Hi @danieluphromes

    I reached out to the development team and they confirmed the issue has been resolved in an upcoming release. The fix will be targeted in the release: 1.0.0b20 due to come out next Friday.
