missing EIA data

eikon API



Executing this python code, I'm trying to get EIA data starting 2015 but only get it populated starting 4/21/2021. There seems to be missing data. Could you pls fix?

fname = "RICList.csv"
riclist_df = pd.read_csv(pricespath+fname)
riclist = riclist_df["RIC"].tolist()
df_wklies = ek.get_timeseries(riclist, 'close',
start_date = '2015-01-01',
end_date = today)
df_wklies.to_csv(pricespath + "US_weeklies.csv")


Best Answer

  • Hi @julien.granger

    The reason it appears like you are receiving missing data is because you have hit the limit for a single request using get_timeseries(). According to the Eikon Data API Usage and Limits Guideline, the get_timeseries() has a limit of 3000 data points per request.

    • get_timeseries: The current limit value (10-Oct-2019) is 3,000 data points (rows) for interday intervals and 50,000 data points for intraday intervals. This limit applies to the whole request, whatever the number of requested instrument.

    As a result, the server is truncating the results. You will have to break your list into bundles to avoid this limit.


  • Hi @julien.granger

    Here is one where I do see all the history:

    ek.get_timeseries("REFCR-1-EIA", 'close',
    start_date = '2015-01-01',


    Does the above fail for you?

  • Thank you. The RIC list is below. I think that some of the RICs have missing data and therefore the get_timeseries gets truncated at 4/21/22. Can you try querying for all those RICs at one time and see if you get everything starting at 1/1/2015?

    • REFCR-1-EIA
    • REFCO-1-EIA
    • DST-OUT-1-EIA
    • JET-OUT-1-EIA
    • DST-STK-1-EIA
    • JET-STK-1-EIA
    • DST-IMP-1-EIA
    • JET-IMP-1-EIA
    • REFCR-2-EIA
    • REFCO-2-EIA
    • DST-OUT-2-EIA
    • JET-OUT-2-EIA
    • DST-STK-2-EIA
    • JET-STK-2-EIA
    • REFCR-3-EIA
    • REFCO-3-EIA
    • DST-OUT-3-EIA
    • JET-OUT-3-EIA
    • DST-STK-3-EIA
    • JET-STK-3-EIA
    • REFCR-4-EIA
    • REFCO-4-EIA
    • DST-OUT-4-EIA
    • JET-OUT-4-EIA
    • DST-STK-4-EIA
    • JET-STK-4-EIA
    • REFCR-5-EIA
    • REFCO-5-EIA
    • DST-OUT-5-EIA
    • JET-OUT-5-EIA
    • DST-STK-5-EIA
    • JET-STK-5-EIA
    • DST-IMP-5-EIA
    • JET-IMP-5-EIA