How to use codebook to retrieve data from Screener with deal created date = today?

Hello, do we have a method to keep the DateWhenDealWasCreated field being updated to the date which is same with system today's date ?

As you can see now I need to manually update this field to the update to date value. But what we want is the date can be synchronized to Today without manual edit.


Also, is there a way to run the script in Python without launch of Eikon?

Thanks, Lin

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @linxiao.dai1 ,

    The code below can be used to put yesterday's date into the query syntax (I tried to use today date but get an error as can be seen in the buttom cell of the code)

    from datetime import date, timedelta
    import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek


    today = - timedelta(days=1)
    date_string = today.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    syntax = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSPROJECTFINANCE*/), TR.PJFDateWhenDealWasCreated='+date_string+'/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)'
    fields = ['TR.PJFSdcDealNumber','TR.PJFDateWhenDealWasCreated','TR.PJFAnnouncementDate','TR.PJFProjectName']
    results, err = ek.get_data(syntax, fields)


    For the second question, regarding the Eikon Data API - Quick start guide

    The Eikon application integrates a Data API proxy that acts as an interface between the Eikon Data API Python library and the Eikon Data Platform. For this reason, the Eikon application must be running when you use the Eikon Data API Python library. When launched, the Eikon application starts listening for local websocket connections on port 9000 or the next available port if port 9000 is already occupied. You need to have a valid Eikon user account to be able to launch the Eikon application.

    which means the Eikon Data API cannot be used without Eikon Desktop running, however, the platform session of the RD library can be used to retrieve the data. The example code is going to be posted in the comment


  • import as rd

    from datetime import date, timedelta
    yesterday= - timedelta(days=1)
    date_string = yesterday.strftime('%Y%m%d')

    syntax = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSPROJECTFINANCE*/), TR.PJFDateWhenDealWasCreated='+date_string+'/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)'
    fields = ['TR.PJFSdcDealNumber','TR.PJFDateWhenDealWasCreated','TR.PJFAnnouncementDate','TR.PJFProjectName']
    results = rd.get_data(syntax, fields)


    Please let me know in case you have any further question

  • much appreciated Samasiri for the detailed answer!!