Holdings - Publicly traded stocks - Is there automated list creation?


I have big project to do in Eikon and it would mean a world to me if someone could please help me on this discussion board rather than suggesting me to contact via phone call particular department on Refinitiv. Your instructions how the following task could be done, if even realistically possible, would be appreciated:

I'm interested about the holdings - the publicly traded stock being located in the holdings of particular company, either private ( * ) or public company. So what I would like to have, in aggregated ( ** ) list, is the data that would inform me which worldwide companies hold publicly traded stock that I'm interested in and those are many different publicly traded stocks.

( * ) obviously private companies may hold, in their holdings, publicly traded stock just like public companies can. The company can be either public or private but extreme importance is that the stock in holdings is publicly listed on the stock exchange.

( ** ) I'm interested about many different (at least several hundreds) of publicly traded stocks, particularly European ones and it would be impossible (it would take years) to check all tens of millions of world's companies to see if they hold any publicly traded stocks that I'm interested for. However, reverse way would be perfectly fine for me: defining all hundreds of publicly traded stocks that I'm interested for and then getting the list with few extra details of public/private companies that hold (ownership of asset) the stock.

It would be great if I could define the stock exchange instead of every single publicly traded stock being listed on that stock exchange. This way, Eikon would output the data of public/private companies, worldwide, that hold in their treasury departments the publicly traded stocks from particular chosen stock exchange. This would save a lot of time with NOT having to define every single wanted publicly traded stock on that stock exchange.

I repeat: the data I'm interested in would inform me which worldwide public/private companies have in their Holdings particular publicly traded stock.

However, there are four reasons why I think this project is very complex and the third reason is ''the why'' I'm currently thinking that what I wish to have might be impossible, although I'm not the right person to judge what is what isn't possible:

Reason1: I'm only interested about the publicly traded stocks where average daily floating volume for the past 65 trading days, also defined as stock liquidity (outstanding volume) is above (or equal) particular amount in any currency. In my case this would be 100,000 EUR or alternative to foreign currency according to live exchange rate. In case if there is no way to define the stock exchange I'm interested in (which means I would have to define every single publicly traded stock one by one) then it is obviously my responsibility that I first manually check the floating volume and only if above my minimum, then I continue searching for that particular publicly traded stock. In case if stock exchange can be defined but such filtering of minimum amount of value of held (in holdings WITH UP TO DATE INFO) stocks cannot be defined then I can do the filtering work in MS Excel too. It would be great if I could choose the stock exchange so the search (and export) would be automated for all worldwide public/private companies that hold each publicly traded stock being listed on that chosen stock exchange.

Reason2: I'm only interested about public/private companies that hold in their holdings the publicly traded stock with value (so total value in their holdings for that stock) worth above (or equal) particular amount in any currency. In my case this would be 5 million EUR or alternative to foreign currency according to live exchange rate. Quantity of held stocks would be even better than the value.

Reason3: The companies that do NOT own the stocks but only hold and manage them must be ignored. This criteria I believe would be extremely hard to be reached for total beginner like me, particularly if not having very detailed step by step instructions please. The reason why I have so much worry about this criteria is because I believe the search would need to be done into the root profile and description of the actual company - what they do, what is their business model etc. If the companies do NOT own the stocks but hold and manage them they they are most likely stock custodians that must be excluded (ignored) from the list. Such profile of the companies that should be ignored are asset management firms (very rarely they still own the stock), fund management firms, hedge funds, banks, financial institutions, investment management firms, wealth management firms, etc. All those should be ignored.

Reason4: What I WANT to have included in the results are also individual shareholders that own the stocks. So full names of people.

The end extracted result would look something like this:

Publicly traded stock #ABC being located in the holdings of:

  • Company1 (value of stocks and/or quantity of stocks)
  • Company2 (...)
  • Company3 (...)
  • etc.

Is there any way to do something like this and if so, would anyone please be so kind to put the instructions on this discussion board?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hello @yourfriend0,

    Unfortunately, the mods on these forums have technical background (developers) and can answer development related questions only. We have quite minimal content knowledge, so I would advise you this -

    It seems like your request to filter a universe based on some criteria can be addressed using the Screener function in Eikon. Once you have narrowed down the screener query, it is trivial process to import that query into Python and extract the data for it. See this article on the Screener functionality.

    If you need help in constructing the screener query, then it is best to raise a ticket at, where you can directly interact with a data content expert.


  • Hello @yourfriend0 ,

    In addition to the suggestions from @Gurpreet, if in terms of product to integrate with you are open to exploring your options beyond Eikon/Workspace, you may wish to review the ownership content that is made available from Refinitiv Data Platform -> Ownership service.

    This is a separate product RDP Ownership, not a part of Eikon/Workspace product, but programmatic interface is synergetic. If this is a possibility and you would like to learn more, please contact your Refinitiv account manager to discuss your requirements in detail.