EMA Java parameter GuardanteedOutputBuffers change not displayed in log or ADHMON

Hi I am running a RMDS publisher using Java EMA 3.0.45. We are seeing publisher disconnects with error:

 error:Failed to submit UpdateMsg. Reason: ReactorReturnCodes.NO_BUFFERS. Error text: channel out of buffers 

We have tried to fix this issue by increasing the setting "GuaranteedOutputBuffers" as recommended in the EMAJ_ConfigGuide. However when I do this the parameter change doesn't appear in adhmon or the application log. In fact the adhmon for my publisher shows GuaranteedOutputBuffers=200 which is neither the default nor the value set by my app. I've attached screenshots of adhmon of 1) RSSL Source IPC Statistics->IPC Statistics->page 3 its not clear what this value represents - is it the adh default? 2) RSSL Source IPC Statistics->My Session->IPC Session this is my publisher. I've highlighted the values I think are important on both screenshots and removed ipaddresses. Can you comment please?




Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    I assumed that you are using non-interactive providers.

    Those values are from the guaranteedOutbuffers and maxOutputBuffers in ADH configurations.

    replablinux4*adh*rmds_rssl_source*guaranteedOutputBuffers : 2000
    replablinux4*adh*rmds_rssl_source*maxOutputBuffers : 4000



    Therefore, these values are the size of buffers on ADH.


  • How do I set guaranteedOutputBuffers for just one publisher in the ADH config file?

  • I am trying to set GuaranteedOutputBuffers programatically using a hardcoded EMAConfig.xml file. When I set the parameter I can never see the per-publisher GuaranteedOutputBuffers value change in adhmon, or the application log. Is this expected, or would you expect to see the correctly configured application's entry in adhmon, and display the new value of GuaranteedOutputBuffers ?

  • @duncan_kerr

    I don't think that the API advertises the number of GuaranteedOutputBuffers to another end (ADH). The number of GuaranteedOutputBuffers is used internally by the application when sending the data. Each channel has its own GuaranteedOutputBuffers according to its setting.


    You can verify the settings by enabling logging in EMA Java.

    1. Create a logging.properties file with the following content

    #handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
    # Write 100000 bytes before rotating this file

    # Number of rotating files to be used
    # Format timestamp as date/time with millisecond
    java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS.%1$tL %4$-7s %2$s %n%5$s

    2. Run an application with the following option: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties

    You will see the following log.

    2022-08-11 08:41:29.544 FINEST  com.refinitiv.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient initializeReactor 
        ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
        Severity: Trace
        Text:    Attempt to connect using 
        1] SOCKET
        Channel name Channel_7
        Instance Name Provider_1_1
        RsslReactor @600b9d27
        port 14003
        CompressionType None
        tcpNodelay true
        reconnectAttemptLimit -1
        reconnectMinDelay 1000 msec
        reconnectMaxDelay 5000 msec
        guaranteedOutputBuffers 5000
        numInputBuffers 10
        sysRecvBufSize 65535
        sysSendBufSize 65535
        connectionPingTimeout 30000 msec
        initializationTimeout 5 sec
  • I see that makes sense. A couple more questions:

    • We have also been using DirectWrite=1. Am I right in thinking that DirectWrite concerns buffering on the NIC, and that even with DirectWrite=1, the buffers configured with GuaranteedOutputBuffers are still used? Or do DirectWrite and GuaranteedOutputBuffers refer to the same buffers?
    • Is there are maximum value for GuaranteedOutputBuffers? We are running a high volume publisher which is configured as follows, and disconnects every 5 minutes with an out of buffers error (see above). Are these setting ok?
                    <ChannelType value="ChannelType::RSSL_SOCKET"/>
    <GuaranteedOutputBuffers value="125000"/>
    <NumInputBuffers value="2048"/>
    <ConnectionPingTimeout value="30000"/>
    <TcpNodelay value="0"/>
    <DirectWrite value="1"/>
    <HighWaterMark value="6144"/>
  • @duncan_kerr

    Typically, when sending data, EMA gets an output buffer from the transport layer, decodes data into that buffer, and submits it to a queue in the transport layer. The buffer will be released back to the transport layer after the content in the buffer was sent to the network. The DirectWrite will attempt to pass the contents of the buffer directly to the socket write operation, bypassing any transport queuing. Yes, DirectWrite and GuaranteedOutputBuffers refer to the same buffers.

    As I know, there is no maximum value for GuaranteedOutputBuffers. However, the size of each buffer is 6144 bytes (maxFragmentSize). Therefore, if you set the value of GuaranteedOutputBuffers to 125000, it will reserve around 768 MB for output buffers (125000 x 6144).