Historic values for InflationIndexRatio using IPA for Bonds

Hi team,

I hope you are doing well.

I am using refinitiv.dataplatform in Python. I am trying to get historical information for the field "InflationIndexRatio". Could you please help me?

universe = ["XS029941629=RRPS"], #RIC
fields = ["InflationIndexRatio"], #FIELDS

That is what I am trying but I am not getting the historical value. Is there away to get a historical value or a time series?

I need to replicate the following but using get_bond_analyitcs, is it possible?

rd.get_data(universe = 'XS029941629=RRPS', 
fields = ['TR.FiIndexRatio(SDate=0,EDate=-1000,Frq=NA).date','TR.FiIndexRatio(SDate=0,EDate=-1000,Frq=NA)'])

Thank you,



Best Answer


  • Dear @tomas.arditi ,

    Thank you for your question. I tried to get the requested field as of your specified date using RD(refinitiv.dataplatform) libraries.

    from refinitiv.data.content.ipa.financial_contracts import bond
    response = bond.Definition(
    instrument_code = "XS029941629=RRPS",
    fields = ["InflationIndexRatio"],
    pricing_parameters = bond.PricingParameters(



    Could you please have a look at this code output and see if this resolves your question?

    Best regards,


  • Hi @h.aramyan

    I hope you are doing well.

    I am trying to get the time series for the Inflation Index Ratio. Is it possible?

    Thanks and kind regards,

    Tomas Arditi

  • Hi @tomas.arditi ,

    according to the pricing parameters you can't request a marketDataDate (didn't seem to find another pricing parameter returning range either) as a range. You may need to use a loop to request for a range you want.

    Best regards,
