RFQ forward order price precision


I'm getting the quote request on the FIX session for 2W fwd EUR/USD:


We see that 31994=5 (SpotDPS) , 31995=3 (PointDPS) and 30379=7(AllInDPS)

My outgoing Quote message has the following prices:


So in NewOrder I expect to get 566=1.0091446 which is actually a sum of tags 30386 and 1067(value in pips) : 1.00979 + (-0.0006454) = 1.0091446

But it appears that order contains value with AllInDPS=6:


which is actually rounded and so doesn't match published one, though spot rate and points values in the order are correct.

Besides, AllIn price in the GUI for this request is shown with dp=7

Could you please help with that?



Best Answer

  • Hi Yevheniia,

    After investigation together and testing internally we can confirm that this issue was a bug that has been fixed

    Kind regards,

    Cash RFQ FIX team
