RTO via LPC with Adaptiv is not working for some RICs

Up until 8/22/22, our RTO/LPC implementation was working as designed, and we were able to pull all RICs subscribed in our FIS/Sungard Adaptiv platform. Starting on that day, some RICs started failing with "access denied" messages.

We have performed days of troubleshooting with Refinitiv networking and application support. I can run "testclient" to successfully pull the same RICs that fail via Adaptiv, so Refinitiv tech support sent me here to ask the developer community for input.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Billy Maclin - FHN Financial



Best Answer

  • I finally received an answer on our problem, and it was permissions on the Refinitiv side. See their comment below:

    "It appears the PDP code WWETINSTR which is required to pull CME data wasn't permissoned to your machine ID until August 24th. So you would have received an "Access Denied" message if you tried to pull the data before then. CME data should have been available after the 24th which is why rmdstestclient was able to pull the data successfully.

    I can only assume that the Adaptiv application required a restart after permissions were added, and any windows update you did forced the system/application to restart thus correcting the problem."

    Thanks to all who answered. Kind regards.


  • Hello @billy.maclin,

    Just confirming:

    Testclient is connecting to the same LPC instance, as custom consumer, using the same user (mapped to RTO cred in LPC configuration) that the custom consumer is using to connect, however, testclient is able to subscribe RICs successfully that and the custom consumer is failing, being not entitled to a subset of RICs?

    The behavior is consistent and the restart of LPC and the custom consumer does not change it?

    Which legacy API is Adaptiv built with? The above scenario does not sound right, and if I have understood it correctly, as the next step, you may wish to run a sample starter consumer, from the same SDK, that the custom consumer is built with, as the sanity check, as the issue preventing the subscription appears to be mis-reported by the custom code.

  • Yes, to your questions. I'm actually running testclient from the LPC server itself. Same user ID, session ID, etc. that are configured in the Adaptiv server.

    Side note: We were running for years using BON Edge, but had to migrate to LPC when we moved to a new data center. We didn't have these issues with BON Edge, which was using the same exact Adaptiv instance. We literally just changed the target in the config file to point to the LPC server instead of the BON Edge server.

    By the way, I'm not the developer—I'm the network engineer. Adaptiv is a 3rd party product developed by FIS/Sungard and all of the code is theirs.


  • Hello @billy.maclin

    Can you confirm my understanding of the issue below?

    • Adaptiv --> LPC --> RTO : Some RICs return "access denied"
    • testclient --> LPC --> RTO: All RICs return data

    The cases above were tested with the same user, LPC, and RICs/Service. Am I correct?

    If so, are there any error messages on the LPC log? Do restart the application and LPC help?

    The "access denied" is a permission issue which does not sound right because the same user can retrieve data from the testclient.

    It would be nice if you or FIS/Sungard could give us more detail about the Refinitiv APIs used by Adaptiv. Enabling the API's debug log also can help to verify the messages between the API and LPC too.

  • Hi Wasin.W,

    Yes, your understanding is correct. Yes, same user ID, session ID, LPC server, RICS/Service. Note: testclient is installed locally to the LPC server and was running as root.

    There was nothing of consequence in the LPC log. Restart of the Adaptiv server/service and the LPC server had no effect.

    The "access denied" RICs are working again today, with no changes to the Adaptiv or LPC server at our firm. It appears that something was fixed, but no one has come forward to claim or confirm the resolution. We're glad to have everything working, but now we fear that the problem can recur without warning and put us in a bind again.

  • Hello @billy.maclin ,

    Glad to hear that the issue was resolved on your side.

    However, I can relate to your concern- as the issue was resolved without any explicit action taking place on your side, does not look like you can take any effective investigative steps at the moment.

    If the issue reappears in the future, if you are able to verify the same RICs with the same cred using testclient at the time when the issue manifests, and as you do not have the access to the application code, you may have to pursue the issue as the suspected mis-report, by submitting to the provider of the custom application, for the verification on their side.