404 error The requested resource is not found - Can't connect to APIProxy

Hi - trying to connect to get data with the api, but evrery time I use an api's functionit gives me a 404 error. Followed that guide for a solution, but my ApiProxy and SxS file are different from what is shown in the guide. And I get the same 404 error running the following code :

import eikon as ek

ek.set_log_level(1) #This is to enable log detail

ek.set_app_key('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') #A

Could you kindly help.




Best Answer

  • Hello @david.corkery ,

    Believe that you have Eikon Core variant Eikon Core does not support Eikon Data API integration, as suggested by @nick.zincone

    For the definitive verification on the product version, as well as to discuss your organization's integration requirements, please refer to your Refinitiv account manager, as they will be the best to help you.
