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I would like to search all the relevant rics related to the 'AstraZeneca PLC, Ordinary Share'. So I run the code:

import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp'AstraZeneca PLC, Ordinary Share', view=rdp.SearchViews.EquityQuotes,select="Currency,RIC,DocumentTitle, DTSubjectName, DTSimpleType, DTSource, DTCharacteristic",top=1000)

But I found there are two rics for the same one DocumentTitle and the same currency (i.e. There are two rics for London Stock Exchange. One is AZN.L, the other is AZNI.TRE). I am wondering whether there is any specific reasons for that case. Should I use both rics or just use AZN.L?


Best Answer

  • Hi @nicolas.cerrajero,

    There may be a logical reason why the 'DocumentTitle' is not unique in this case. I would recommend you reach out to the Refinitiv Helpdesk and specifically get clarification - they will bring in a content specialist who can provide the reason.

    That being said, when you perform a search that results in many hits, by default, search ranks the results with the most relevant appearing first. In your case, it has ranked 'AZN.L' as the most relevant. Alternatively, you can also use the property 'IsPrimaryRIC' within your result set. By doing this, it also indicates 'AZN.L' as the primary. In your case, I would use 'AZN.L'.



  • hi @nicolas.cerrajero ,

    In addition to my colleague's reply, I would recommend you look at the newer RD Library for Python - which is currently in Beta and due for release in the coming months.

    It should have much-improved error/session handling than RDP Library once it is released.

    It will also have fuller documentation - we have been advised by the RD Library team that they are awaiting the completion of the documentation to confirm the release date.

    For a position statement on the older RDP Library please see the overview page.

    The example code can also be found on Codebook app in the Eikon Desktop/Refinitiv Workspace application