Datascope Select SFTP public host key

Hello Team,

where I can find public key for SFTP server for Datascooe Select?

It is the key used as host certificate to authenticate the Refinitiv SFTP server, so that clients can be certain that they are "talking" to the correct SFTP server?


Best Answer

  • Hi @Lukasz Ossowski,

    I checked with the DSS product team, and unfortunately the public key or the fingerprint is not published.

    The only option to ensure TLS security is to follow the section: Manual SFTP with Key Authentication Setup Example in the ftp user guide linked earlier. It does however require that a user first connects to ftp using credentials and drop their RSA public key in the ftp server.

    If you feel that this is inadequate for your security needs, then I would recommend you to raise a product enhancement request at
