HMAC-SHA256 in Business Central AL

Dear Sir or Madam

I'm currently having troubles generating the correct HMAC-SHA256 value for the authorization header.

Using Microsoft's AL (Application Language) for Business Central, I try to recreate your example from the documentation.


Unfortunately, the result is:


Even this free online tool generates a different value:1662643201870.png

Though I'm not sure if they interpret the Line Feed correctly.

Now my question is:

Am I missing something? How can every tool get different results?

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Hello @M.Kueblboeck, thanks for reaching out to us!

    I am not able to open up the documentation you have mentioned, but I am wondering if you are speaking about this one? World-Check One API HMAC Walkthrough July 2022.pdf

    Please let me know if this documentation is the same. If it is not - kindly go through it and it will hopefully guide you to creating the correct HMAC. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions.




  • Hi,

    thanks for the fast response.

    I was speaking about a different documentation.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to implement the correct calculation of the HMAC-value in Business Central so we switched to C#.

    This ticket therefore is closed.

    Thanks for your efforts.