RGEN event not returning - why?

hi, thosands of rows come back from this query:

but ticker RGEN, which has an event, that is in the Eikon database, is not in there- why?

import eikon as ek

# initialize eikon here successfully

events_df, err = ek.get_data(
instruments=['0#.NDX', '0#.NYA'],
'SDate': '2022-9-12',
'EDate': '2022-10-12',
'EventType': 'ALL'

print (events_df)

Best Answer

  • Hello @mjg ,

    As mentioned by @jason.ramchandani01, it seems the core of the matter is that RGEN.O or RGEN.OQ are not a member of indices .NDX and .NIA.


    Results in 63 different indices, but not these two:


    As a separate requested item, RGEN.O or RGEN.OQ both capture one, the same, event in the result:

    events_df, err = ek.get_data(
    'SDate': '2022-9-12',
    'EDate': '2022-10-12',
    'EventType': 'ALL'

    print (events_df)

    Getting back:


    And as I have noticed from the first result, that RGEN is part of .DZO index, also have tested:

    events_df, err = ek.get_data(
    'SDate': '2022-9-12',
    'EDate': '2022-10-12',
    'EventType': 'ALL'

    print (events_df)

    The result includes RGEN.OQ event that is the same event on 9-20. So by selecting one of the indices that RGEN is part of,, we could expect the events in their results.


  • lol i am trying to upload a screenshot of this entry in the eikon event database but of course the forum is buggy and it's 'too large' at 602kb, fun

  • Hi @mjg - sorry to hear about your issue. I thought the problem is related to start date not being early enough - the last event for RGEN was on 2022-08-12 - but when i tried that it did not pick uo the event. The reason is that it is part of the Nasdaq Composite - not Nasdaq 100. If i just try for RGEN.O as a single instrument - I get:


    Is this what you would have expected to see?

  • i got an email saying there was a reply/answer to this, but i am not seeing it here - help please