What does "restated data for last years values where available" mean?

When reading the description of the datatype WC08126 (Inventory Days Held),

From Datastream, I saw that they describe it as:


I am wondering what "restated data for last year where available" means. From my understanding, e.g., when we calculate the Inventory Days Held (IDH) for a company A at the end of the year 2020, if the data for the years 2019 and 2020 about inventories is available, it will be used in calculating the IDH for the year 2020 for firm A. And in case that we do not have the data inventory for the year 2019 for firm A, I am wondering what Datastrem does in this case in calculating the IDH for firm A in 2020.

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  • @PhilNguyen

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