check quota usage using R package DatastreamDSWS

hi, how can I check quota usage using R package DatastreamDSWS? I tried the following but I get NA

mydsws <- dsws$new()
myData <- mydsws$snapshotRequest(instrument = c("STATS"),
datatype = c("DS.USERSTATS"), requestDate = "0D")


Best Answer

  • @gino.cenedese

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Please try this code:

    myStat <- mydsws$snapshotRequest(instrument = "STATS", 
                                     datatype = "DS.USERSTATS", 
                                     requestDate = Sys.Date())

    You can also change the requestDate to "2022-08-01" for the previous month's statistics.

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.
