How do i access the calendar file data(trading hours) from client file store?

I was referring to the client file store post:

There were few details variables like
RDP_BASE_URL + CATEGORY_URL + RDP_AUTH_VERSION + ENDPOINT_URL and client id/client secret i am not sure what end point do i need to hit to get calendar data. could some one pleas help me out.

Best Answer


  • Thanks
    @zoya faberov i will go through the link you shared
  • Hi @zoya faberov what should i select when creating an App Key: Aka Application ID, aka AppKey is a unique identifier,

    And also is there any documentation for token generation when trying to access the CFS, i tried examples in this link but not sure if the url is still valid:

    I tried creating an token using below code i was getting error 400.Note i used EIkon Data API in this case for App key generation

    def generate_token():
        auth_url = ""
        auth_header = {
            'Host': '',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
            'Authorization': 'Basic encoded(AppKey)',
        auth_data = {
            'username': 'xxxx',
            'password': 'xxxx',
            'grant_type': 'password',
            'scope': 'trapi'
        print("Send Login request")
        resp =, params=auth_data, headers=auth_header)
  • Hello @akhilesh.naredla ,

    To get started with Refinitiv Data Platform authentication, please refer to Quickstart guide for Refinitiv Data Platform it is common for all RDP APIs and will be fully applicable to RDP CFS FMRD authentication.

    In Quickstart guide you will find a link to AppKey generator as well, when you request to generate, please select "EDP", as this is a former name for "RDP".

    The code included with CFS Intro article can be used to generate authentication token, if you are comfortable with Postman tool, you may wish to download and import RDP Postman Starter examples, section Authentication request Get Access Token can be used to test authentication via token. Next you will be able to also test section CFS -> CFS - Financial Market Data.

    Hope that this information is of help