EMA C++ - Buffer overflow on debugging with strace

Hi ,

We are developing a EMA Consumer with c++ and facing an issue when trying to debug the application using strace command on CENTOS ,

The application crashes with buffer overflow . This happens with the example consumer in EMA SDK also .

Any idea why this is happening


  • Are you subscribing to a high update rate instrument when debugging? Market data updates will continue to flow even when your application is in a breakpoint, resulting in buffer overflow.

  • @yajnasteju

    strace can slow down the process which causes the overflow condition on the server side. The server log will look like:

    User user at position on host reinforce using application  on channel 257 has been disconnected due to an overflow condition.

    When this happens, the server will disconnect the connection. Then, EMA application will detect it and reconnect back to the server.

    I am unable to replicate this issue with Elektron-SDK 1.0.7 in my environment. The example didn't crash.

    Could you please provide the crash call stack or the error when the problem occurred?

  • jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    Attached the stack trace , There are no logs which suggest that reconnection is happened to ADS .


  • It looks like to be the problem in strace, not the server side.

    However, I am unable to replicate the issue. strace is running fine in my environment with the 100__MarketPrice__Streaming example. Please provide the following information

    • The version of CentOS (rpm --query centos-release)
    • The name of example used to replicate this issue