MBP Message Payload

I am referring to document "REFINITIV ROBUST FOUNDATION API V8.2.2.L1" pdf document section 8.3 Data: Response Message Payload.

a rfa::message::RespMsg message got from a rfa::common::Event will contain a Map which may have n FieldList. Again similar to my 97802 question:

  1. So user code can receive an update of FieldList containing BID and ASK data. May I say at most 1 BID and 1 ASK? Is it possible that a FieldList could containing m BID and n ASK?
  2. within a FieldList, there is a update timestamp (for example either FID 6527 or FID 14268; or both conceptually one bcos user should use only one of them)? And this timestamp is applicable to all BID/ASK data within the same FieldList (optional, I may apply its value to all BID/ASK data anyway)
  3. This n possible BID/ASK entries within a FieldList has nothing to do with subscription method/options used (if a FieldList can contain at most 1 BID and 1 ASK, then we can ignore item 3).

Best Answer

  • Hi @ming.cheng

    As per the above replies and the article, the FieldList object contained within each map entry of an MBP payload does not have BID or ASK fields - therefore the question of 1 BID or 1 ASK does not make sense.

    Each Map entry would only contains field like the following:


    As you will note, there is no BID or ASK field. The ORDER_SIDE field would indicate whether the order is a BID order or an ASK order.

    As it is an order book, each entry represents orders - i.e. the number of buy orders or sell orders at the specified ORDER_PRC. Therefore, the idea of a single entry representing both BID and ASK orders does not make sense.

    Furthermore, if you look at the Data Dictionary files (RDMFieldDictionary + enumtype.def) the ORDER_SIDE field is an enumerated field


    and the valid Enum values for the field are:

    ! ----- ------- -------
    0 " " undefined
    1 "BID" Bid
    2 "ASK" Ask


  • According to no duplicated FID within a FieldList principle , then seems each FieldList can contain either a BID or a ASK; can't have both.

  • Hi,

    Please see the answer in the original thread post.

  • Hi Wasin

    If you don't mind, please kindly confirm that a FieldList from MBP can only contain

    • 1 BID
    • or 1 ASK


  • Hi @ming.cheng

    Are your questions related to MarketPrice (MP) or MarketByPrice(MBP) ?

    MBP represents a Market Depth Aggregated Order Book i.e. a Collection of orders for an instrument grouped by Price point i.e. multiple orders per ‘row’ of data.

    If you wish to understand the MBP data format please see the following article - the introduction contains some useful information - How to Sort & Process Level 2 Orderbook Data using EMA C++ API | Refinitiv Developers

    As you will note from the above article, an MBP message (Refresh or Update) can contain multiple BID and or ASK prices - as they don't use the BID and ASK fields.

  • Hi Umer,

    Only L2 MBP in this thread as highlighted in Subject. So a FieldList (please be noted just 1 FieldList) may support these scenario:

    1. just m BID(s) m >= 1
    2. just n ASK(s) n >=1
    3. and m BID(s) plus n ASK(s).

    I mean after aggregation by price. for m BIDs situation, for example

    A FieldList has bid@10 and bid@9. bid are those data related to a bid.

  • Hi @ming.cheng

    Please read the above article which explains the format of the data. Also as mentioned earlier there is no BID or ASK field in the payload of an MBP map entry, so I don't understand your question about the BID and ASK fields.

    A Refresh message Map could contain the following (a short extract)


    and so on for the complete order book. As you can see the field names rename the same, ORDER_SIDE field indicates whether the order is an ASK or BID side.

    And then an Update message Map could contain the following:


  • Actually it's my bad. Everytime when read an Exchange/broker's tech document, I feel almost 99.99% it should this or that. Howeve I still prefer to play a safe game to confirm with the source directly. No shame no harm.

    Come to this particular question, I thought it should be quite straightforward that for any MBP FieldList data, it should only contain one side FIDs. Should your above sample have confirmed my conclusion?

  • Hi @ming.cheng

    Can you please clarify your last question - I don't understand?

    If there is something about my previous answer or the article which is not clear - please explain with example so that I can try and clarify.

  • A FieldList object from MBP event update can only contain

    • 1 BID
    • or 1 ASK

    No both BID and ASK data in the same FieldList object.

  • Hi Umer

    When I said BID and ASK, I should have made it clear that BID here means BID side price and size etc. Sorry for the confuse caused. Not just that particular BID/ASK FIDs.

  • @umer.nalla

    My bad that I should have made my BID/ASK definition clear that these BID/ASK are not Refinitiv FIDs but more like industrial concept which at least should include price and size. So my basic concern is that a FieldList from MBP should only contain one side data including price and size for example. No situation that a FieldList object may have both bid side price/size and ask side price/size.

  • Hi @ming.cheng

    No worries - hope my answer confirmed the situation.