eikon api streamingprice can only stream currency prices

Hi, I'm trying to stream prices of different assets using the eikon api, but I can only stream currency prices e.g. GBP=, ETH= etc. When I try to stream equity prices such as AAPL.O or IBM it returns <NA>. Is it possible to stream prices of other instruments? Also, where can I find the full documentation for all methods including streamingprices? Thanks

import eikon as ek
import time


streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices(
instruments = ['AAPL.O],
fields = ['TIMACT','CF_BID','CF_ASK']


while True:

df = streaming_prices.get_snapshot()

Best Answer

  • Yes, other instruments can be streamed as well. Most likely, you are on a trial account and do not have access to the fee liable equities data. Please check with your Refinitiv account manager.

    For help with Eikon, I recommend starting from a Quickstart and then the tutorials.

