Check if RIC exists (RFA 7.5.1)

Hi, we use RFA 7.5.1 Java API. Is there a way to check if an RIC exists?

Example - call a method passing RIC as an argument. The method will return, so and so RIC exists/not exists.

If there is not a way to achieve this, can I rely on a 'status message' for this purpose? If so, what will be the status message returned, if an RIC doesn't exist?

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • Hello @monishkumar.appusamy,

    From RFA Java, this type of check is supported. The RIC availability depends on the service. For example, if your consumer is connecting to a custom publisher, there can be completely independent instrument set available from that publisher, the RICs that are available, or available ta any given time, depend on the service/publisher/source.

    The status response that the consumer will receive on the non-existent RIC should look like:

    Msg Type: MsgType.STATUS_RESP
    Msg Model Type: MARKET_PRICE
    Indication Flags:
    State: CLOSED, SUSPECT, NOT_FOUND, "*The record could not be found"
    ServiceName: ELEKTRON_DD
    ServiceId: 356
    Name: FAKE.O
    NameType: 1 (RIC)
    Payload: None

    Where "State: CLOSED, SUSPECT, NOT_FOUND" can be relied on to verify that this instrument is not currently provided by the service.

    Please note that JRFA 7.5 is End of Life, refer to API Compatibility Matrix for the details.

    Hope that this information helps


  • Thank you Zoya.

    >>> "From RFA Java, this type of check is supported"

    Could you let me know how I can avail this check? A code sample would help.

  • Hello @monishkumar.appusamy ,

    If you are looking to quick-check, if the specific RIC exists from Refinitiv Real-Time service, you may use RIC search tool on dev portal to search.

    If you looking for enterprise level programmatic solution on RICs verification, in my understanding, you would integrate with a Reference data product, rather then real-time streaming service. Your organization's account team would be the best contact to discuss with, and advise, on the solutions available and most suitable for your specific use case. To my best knowledge, Datascope reference data is commonly used for Security Master class of requirements.

    RFA is intended for real-time consuming and providing, rather then reference data access, please refer to RFA Java Documentation for the complete description of the API and the covered functionality. Depending on your use case, detecting "State: CLOSED, SUSPECT, NOT_FOUND" in your custom code and logging/reporting to the business tier is often sufficient.