FXALL Integration /w TCPI Java SDK or API - Help

Hey guys. Upon inquiring about trading FX I received the TCPI (Trading Center Provider Interface) - SDK Guide but to my surprise without any of the accompanying libraries nor the Java SDK toolkit itself.

Could somebody point me in the right direction as to where the class-libraries can be downloaded and are there examples to be found on Github or anywhere? I've done my fair share of Google searching already but I found absolutely nothing.

Also, how is this connected to "normal" Refinitiv APIs. Can I just connect by providing my account user:pass or is it with bearer token from https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token for example.

Any help would be greatly appreciated because I feel like I am lost in a maze of APIs and services. My needs are the following:

- Need to send FX orders to mid-sized dealer / institution
- Need to stream live FX data from designated dealer / institution (
Where do I add the dealer code for my dealer?)

This is specified as a SendQuote() object that can be received as a stream of quotes where every SendQuote() in the java TCPI documentation just overwrites the other one.

- Need to do multiple RFQs to dealer for different people connected to our institution.

Best Answer


  • Finally have the files. Got them from the @refinitiv support @raksina.samasiri @Jirapongse


  • @Jirapongse @raksina.samasiri

    In the TCCI RFQ v2.1.3 SDK Documentation version 0.1 it is stated that FXALL provides the user with the URL to login in the following form:


    The <host> and <port> parts of the URL will be provided to you by FXall.

    I've tried all protocol types combined with all of the ports associated with the fxall java PIDs to no avail.

    What is our hostname + port we need to connect to? is it localhost? or where? Within the FXAll application we have "amers3.fxtaggie.trading.thomsonreuters.net" which does not seem to work - plus some other FQNs.

    Thanks in advance! You guys have been a huge help.

  • @dakers

    I have forwarded your question to the FXALL team. We need to wait for their response. Sorry for this inconvenience.