Field Dictionary for RtContribute

Good Day,

our company is uploading the price levels of equity and fixed income indices with the RtContribution-Formula in an Excel-workbook like this:


Currently we are using the field items 6,21,79 for


Could you help me out with a Field Dictionary for the TRC-Service? It would also be great if you could provide me directly with some examples of the most relevant field items for indices like yield, market value, duration, convexity...

Best Answer

  • @Jotun

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    As I know, each RIC contains a different set of fields. Therefore, you need to subscribe to RICs and check the fields available for contributions. For example, the followings are fields in an RCC test RIC.


    Next, you need to check the field definitions in the Field Dictionary.

    Otherwise, you can contact your Refiniitv account team for any further assistance.