Problem retrieving data for a RIC with Python eikon API

Hello, when i run the blow code it returns NA

On the platform the ticker has the financials i am trying to download.

Any reason why?

df, err = ek.get_data(
instruments = ['TNB^E12'] ,
fields = ['TR.TotalCurrentAssets.Periodenddate',
parameters = {
'Period': 'FI0',
'SDate': '0',
'EDate': '-40Y',
'Frq': 'FI',
'ReportingState': 'Orig',
'ConsolBasis': 'Consolidated',
'Curn': 'Native'

Best Answer

  • @mihalis.panczyk Thanks for your question - so the following code works for me:

    df, err = ek.get_data(
        instruments = ['TNB^E12'] ,
        fields = ['TR.TotalCurrentAssets.Periodenddate',
        parameters = {
            'Period': 'FQ0',
            'SDate': '0',
            'EDate': '-40',
            'Frq': 'FQ',
            'ReportingState': 'Orig',
            'ConsolBasis': 'Consolidated',
            'Curn': 'Native'


    I hope this can help.