"ESG Disclosure" download: S&P 500

Hello. Thank You for creating this amazing community and I hope to learn and contribute.

I am working on a project where I need the following for S&P 500.

  • ESG disclosures (.pdf)
  • ESG data

I have been able to easily get all my relevant data for ESG requesting Eikon Data API via Jupyter.

##CODE here for future reference

# Imports and setting up Eikon app key to be able to use Eikon Data API.
import eikon as ek
import pandas as pd

#ek.set_app_key(EIKON_APP_KEY) call using app key generated in Refinitiv

#data for S&P 500
df, err = ek.get_data(['0#.SPX'], ['TR.CommonName','TR.TRBCBusinessSector','TR.TRESGScore.Date','TR.CompanyMarketCap(Curn=USD,ShType=OUT)','TR.TRESGScore','TR.TRESGScoreGrade','TR.ESGCScore',"TR.TRESGCScoreGrade",'TR.EnvironmentPillarScore','TR.SocialPillarScore','TR.fdfdf','TR.TRESGResourceUseScore'],
{'Scale': 6, 'SDate': 0, 'EDate': -10, 'FRQ': 'FY', 'Curn': 'USD'})

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format


However, I am finding it difficult to download the correct ESG reports as "ESG disclosure".

It is unfortunately not clear, which reports are to be downloaded as the form names and subsequently the content vary a lot across companies (Company search-> Filing-> Filtering on Categories as ESG disclosures) (Example of Apple and Alphabet included).

Is there a method where I can bulk download the correct reports (form names) using API? If not, is it possible to advise on the correct ESG disclosures (as form names)

Thanks a lot for guidance.

Apple ESG.png

Alphabet ESG.png

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Vinit

    The Eikon Data API does not provide bulk file download interfaces for developers. You may need to use the Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) APIs instead. The RDP APIs are the set of web-based API that provides Refinitiv data/content via various delivery mechanisms such as Request-Response, Bulks file, Alert, etc.

    The RDP APIs let developers get the ESG Bulk file dynamically via the /file-store/ API endpoint. You can find more detail about the service on the RDP APIs - Documentation ESG Bulk Schemas page.


    There is a Postman example that may help you too. You can download the Postman collection here and check how to set up it here.



    Please note that the RDP APIs need a separate account credential from the Eikon Data API. Please contact your Refinitiv representative about the RDP APIs account access.

    Hope this helps.