How do you define an organisation in permID?


We have a question regarding how you define the concept "organization" within permID:

  • How do you define an organization?
  • What requirements do an organization need to have in order to be eligible to receive a permID?


Best Answer

  • Hello @joao-neto,

    PermID is an identifier assigned to many different entities, such as organizations, instruments, and quotes, but also people, events, countries, and many other kinds of metadata.

    By 'organization' we understand an entity such as a corporate, government, government agency, non-governmental organization, academic institution etc. Basically, any legal entity, registered in the local registration office or court, is a separate legal entity, having its own national organization ID and Tax ID. Those can be both publicly listed as well as private companies and can be formed for profit (corporation) as well as non-profit reasons (NGOs, hospitals, universities).

    Please let us know if this answer helped and if you have any doubts.

    Best Regards,



  • Hi @joao-neto

    This forum is dedicated to software developers using Refinitiv APIs. The moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every bit of content available through Refinitiv products, which is required to answer content questions such as this one.

    The best resource for content questions is the support team, which can be reached by submitting queries through MyRefinitv. The support team will either have the required content expertise ready available or can reach out to relevant content experts to get the answer for you.

    Best regards,


  • Hi @joao-neto ,

    Besides my colleague's answer provided. I'd like to add this reference document in our API Playground of an endpoint /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup > Reference tab.
