Only certain RIC codes are not received. (ex) /.INX, /GCc2


I've been having problems with my system since this week.

Only certain RIC codes are not received.

(ex) /.INX, /GCc2

All other US stocks, indices, futures, etc. are received normally.

The code to register is as follows.

// OmmConsumer consumer
// ReqMsg reqMsg = EmaFactory.createReqMsg();
// String serviceName = "IDN_SELECTFEED";

long l = consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName(serviceName)

/.INX and /GCc2 were registered as normal.

The log is as follows.

2022/10/14 13:59:41.007 INFO --- [main] a.w.d.u.r.RefinitivUtils : ric: /GCc2, l : 370
2022/10/14 13:59:41.037 INFO --- [main] a.w.d.u.r.RefinitivUtils : ric: /.INX, l : 379

No other errors or exceptions occurred.

However, the data of the corresponding code cannot be received. (.INX, GCc2)

There is no log itself. The field itself does not enter.

If we restart our data server several times and register it, there are times when it is suddenly received normally.

Once the reception is successful, it does not stop until the end of the stock market.

But the next day, the same symptoms repeat again at the start of the stock market.

Has anyone experienced these symptoms? What should I do?

It is not possible to manually restart at the beginning of each stock market.

Help me.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    Thanks for your comment.

    This issue was resolved as the domestic Refinitiv person in charge adjusted the permission.

    Thank you for caring and responding.


  • Hi,

    Can you reproduce this issue with one of the EMA sample apps. What messages do you see in the ADS logs? It might help to turn on the XML log tracing to capture the raw messages from SDK.

  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    Thank you for answer.

    I'll test your suggestion and get back to you.


  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    I tested the RIC code with the issue with the sample app you gave me.

    The results were the same.

    Registration to OmmConsumer has been successful, but data is not being received.

    Please reply as I will share the results of running the code of the sample app.

    onStatusMsg() Function call complete.
    onUpdateMsg() Function not called.

    The RIC code that is received well is logged well as shown below.


    Only CMX and COMEX exchange have problems. (.INX, GCc2)

    The most incomprehensible thing is that when I restart the server and re-register the RIC Code with the Ommconsumer, it is sometimes received.

    Finally, Our permissions are as follows.


  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    I tested the RIC code with the issue with the sample app you gave me.

    The results were the same.

    Registration to OmmConsumer has been successful, but data is not being received.

    Please reply as I will share the results of running the code of the sample app.

    onStatusMsg() Function call complete.
    onUpdateMsg() Function not called.

    The RIC code that is received well is logged well as shown below.


    Only CMX and COMEX exchange have problems. (.INX, GCc2)

    The most incomprehensible thing is that when I restart the server and re-register the RIC Code with the Ommconsumer, it is sometimes received.


  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    I tested the RIC code with the issue with the sample app you gave me.

    The results were the same.

    Registration to OmmConsumer has been successful, but data is not being received.

    Please reply as I will share the results of running the code of the sample app.

    onStatusMsg() Function call complete.
    onUpdateMsg() Function not called.

    The RIC code that is received well is logged well as shown below.


    Only CMX and COMEX exchange have problems. (.INX, GCc2)

    The most incomprehensible thing is that when I restart the server and re-register the RIC Code with the Ommconsumer, it is sometimes received.

    Permissions were also confirmed to be no problem.


  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    I tested the RIC code with the issue with the sample app you gave me.

    The results were the same.

    Registration to OmmConsumer has been successful, but data is not being received.

    Please reply as I will share the results of running the code of the sample app.

    onStatusMsg() Function call complete.
    onUpdateMsg() Function not called.

    The RIC code that is received well is logged well as shown below.


    Only CMX and COMEX exchange have problems. (.INX, GCc2)

    The most incomprehensible thing is that when I restart the server and re-register the RIC Code with the Ommconsumer, it is sometimes received.


  • Hi,

    When you say the results were same with sample app - what do you mean? Did you not receive either status or refresh/update message for that particular instrument?

    Can you please run the Batch sample app with your instrument list and pipe the output to a file and show that no response or status was indeed received from ADS.

    Can you please turn on the XML message tracing and attach that log file as well. This option is described in the EMA configuration guide.

  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    Thanks for the reply.

    1. "The results were same with sample app," mean.

    This means that neither our service nor the sample app code receives data.

    2. Batch sample app log.

    As your suggestion, I attach the log result of running the sample app.

     --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onStatusMsg Item Name: /GCc2
    --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onStatusMsg Service Name: IDN_SELECTFEED
    --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onStatusMsg Item State: Closed / Suspect / Not entitled / 'Record not service permissioned'

    The onUpdateMsg message was not printed after this message.

    However, After repeating the restart several times, the following message may appear.

    --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onRefreshMsg Item Name: /GCc2
    --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onRefreshMsg Service Name: IDN_SELECTFEED
    --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onRefreshMsg Item State: Open / Ok / None / 'All is well'
    --- [pool-10-thread-1] a.w.d.l.r.RawMaterialDataListener : GCc2 onRefreshMsg fieldList: FieldList FieldListNum="54" DictionaryId="1"
    FieldEntry fid="1" name="PROD_PERM" dataType="UInt" value="4912"
    FieldEntry fid="2" name="RDNDISPLAY" dataType="UInt" value="77"
    FieldEntry fid="3" name="DSPLY_NAME" dataType="Rmtes" value="100 GOLD NOV2/d"
    FieldEntry fid="4" name="RDN_EXCHID" dataType="Enum" value="28"
    FieldEntry fid="5" name="TIMACT" dataType="Time" value="06:12:50:000:000:000"
    FieldEntry fid="6" name="TRDPRC_1" dataType="Real" value="1654.9"

    3. XML File

    I changed the settings of the "EmaConfig.xml " file to the following, but I don't know where the file is created.

    <XmlTraceToStdout value="1"/>

    Currently, only the raw material market (COMEX) is open,

    So we have not been able to test the index market. (.INX / CMX market).

    However, looking at our service log, it is judged that the index will show the same result.

    Let me know if you need anything more.


  • Hi,

    These log messages are not from EMA sample app. They are probably your application logs. Once the market is open, please attach the sample logs and the XML logs and we can check them for errors. Thanks.

  • Hi. @Gurpreet

    I tested the RIC code with the issue with the sample app you gave me.

    The results were the same.

    Registration to OmmConsumer has been successful, but data is not being received.

    Please reply as I will share the results of running the code of the sample app.

    onStatusMsg() Function call complete.
    onUpdateMsg() Function not called.

    The RIC code that is received well is logged well as shown below.


    Only CMX and COMEX exchange have problems. (.INX, GCc2)

    The most incomprehensible thing is that when I restart the server and re-register the RIC Code with the Ommconsumer, it is sometimes received.
