Replacement of CHANGE Pages on Eikon / SpeedGuide

Per DN205041 Refinitiv is going to Decommissioning CHANGE Pages on Eikon and SpeedGuide. Their instruction is to use MyRefinitiv Instrument Changes instead, which however requires login and a few clicks, while with SpeedGuide we can easily do systematically. Is there any replacement to get Ric changes systematically?


Best Answer

  • Hello @aaron.chen ,

    Regret to hear that you find the change DN205041 inconvenient. From the API usage standpoint, no replacement is provided.

    I think the best course of action for a customer is to inform the product management of your usage requirements via My Refinitiv Product Feedback form, indicating Eikon in the product selection. By submitting the product feedback, you are making your organization's requirements known to the product management, and the requirements that are shared by multiple customers are consequently prioritized by the product management.

    I hope that this suggestion is of help


  • Thank you
    @zoya faberov! It's sad to know such a useful tool is being demised. We're complaining to Refinitiv account team to see what will happen ...