Getting actual earnings forecast t+1 using Eikon API

Hi All,

I'm hoping if someone could help guiding me how to get the actual EPS value. I'm abit confused about the "Financial period" option in the parameters. If I want to get the actual EPS for December, 2019, is the following equation correct? Should I choose FY0 or FY1?

=TR("ABBV.N","ABS(ZAV(TR.EPSActValue))","Period=FY0 Frq=D SDate=20181201 EDate=20181231 RH=date Transpose=Y",D6)

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @business1 ,

    is this what you're looking for? I've checked that the output is the same as Eikon Excel.

    df, err = ek.get_data('ABBV.N', ['TR.EPSActValue(Period=FY0).date', 'ABS(ZAV(TR.EPSActValue(Period=FY0)))']
    , { 'Frq': 'D', 'SDate' :'2018-12-01', 'EDate': '2018-12-31'})


    Then you can transpose the dataframe using the code below

    df = df.T


    Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions


  • Hi Raksina,

    Thanks so much for your comment.

    Yes, that is the results that I'm looking for. However, may I please ask if you know whether the EPS value 5.6 for 2018 is the actual EPS value for 2018? Because if the financial period chosen is "FY=0", according to Eikon explanation, it is for "last financial period". So is it correct if I understand that the value 5.6 is for EPS actual 2017 instead?

    This is where I'm abit confused. Thank you.

  • @business1

    To understand the content returned by Eikon, please contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The support team will contact you and provide answers to your questions.