In Refinitiv Data Platform, is collected allocations endpoint limited to top 10 elements? Can I chan

This endpoint for example retrieves top 10 results for each allocation. My client needs more than 10. Are we limited for some reason? Is there a way to change that?

Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓
    @lipperprivada , Collected Allocations only have 10 items for each type of allocations. Collected allocations are sourced from fund's official marketing material, such as fact-sheets, so it is rarely more than 10 items. I guess what your client want is derived allocations, and the source of derived allocations is from full-holdings. There can be may items in derived allocations as Lipper supports level 4 derived allocations.

    I guess this is not a technical question, but a question to Lipper client support team on contents.


  • @lipperprivada

    Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

    I checked the document and found that it may relate to the pageSize property.


    The default value is 10. For more information, please refer to the /data/funds/v1/assets Reference page in the API playground.


    I hope that this information is of help