Unable to download data using eikon api


when I try to connect to eikon via the api to run a `get_timeseries()`

I get the below error.. I have my eikon up and running and the app_key enabled, so not sure what's causing this issue.


2022-10-25 10:41:02,524 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Send GET request to to detect API Proxy...

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Request to

headers = {'x-tr-applicationid': '2580e18557624af8a1ab810fc5012449982e0407'}

params = None

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] HTTP request failed: TypeError("send() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'")

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Error on checking proxy url : TypeError("send() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'")

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Warning: file .portInUse was not found. Try to fallback to default port number.

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Try defaulting to port 9000...

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Send GET request to to detect API Proxy...

2022-10-25 10:41:02,525 P[23332] [MainThread 6760] Request to

headers = {'x-tr-applicationid': '2580e18557624af8a1ab810fc5012449982e0407'}

params = None

Best Answer


  • eikon==1.1.2


  • downgraded httpx to 0.20.0. Still same issue
  • @sumit

    Please try to update the eikon library to the latest version.

  • @sumit

    You need to downgrade httpx to 0.19.0.

    pip install httpx==0.19.0
  • Went through the steps in here: https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/eikon-data-api-python-troubleshooting-refinitiv

    This is what I see on my SxS.... log file1666693957713.png

    However, in my python console, the log I see is:-

    So wonder why it's not targetting the 9060 port

    2022-10-25 11:23:50,835 P[29044] [MainThread 39532] Error: no proxy address identified.
    Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
    2022-10-25 11:23:50,836 P[29044] [MainThread 39532] Error on handshake url : TypeError("send() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'")
    2022-10-25 11:23:50,836 P[29044] [MainThread 39532] Error on handshake url : TypeError("send() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'")
    2022-10-25 11:23:50,836 P[29044] [MainThread 39532] Port number was not identified, cannot send any request
  • @sumit

    My concern is about the following error:

    TypeError("send() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'")  

    According to the previous discussions, it relates to the incompatible version of Eikon Data API and httpx.

  • so it looks like if I upgrade my eikon api (from pypi) - the httpx gets upgraded to 0.23.0

    Also another funny thing is- if I install the latest eikon api i.e. 1.1.16 from pypi and if I issue a


    it shows 1.1.13

    Please advise

  • @sumit

    On my machine, it shows 1.1.16.


    You may need to check the site packages and user site packages to make sure that eikon 1.1.16 was installed in the right location.


  • Thanks a lot!! that worked. It was indeed a old package sitting in the site-package folder