Time series request for list of funds

I am searching for a way to make a time series request in Datastream for a list of funds. I am using the ISIN of about 2000 funds and I am trying to retrieve the monthly return index (RI) for every single one. How can I insert the entire list of ISIN numbers in the time series request (in the Series/List box), instead of inserting every number separately?

Best Answer

  • @hanken1

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I assumed that you are using Datastream For Office in Excel.

    You can specify a list of ISINs in the Series/List box by using a comma as a separator.

    However, I am not sure about the limitations of this Datastream For Office. I tried to request 2000 items but my Excel became frozen. You can contact the Refinitiv Eikon with Datastream for Office support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the limitations.