Socket exception when sending request.


We are facing the following issue, after we have logged into the websocket and sending a request to get the RIC's we are using in the system.

The status we are receiving

 {"ID":6,"Type":"Status","State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Ok","Text":"Processed 209 total items from Batch Request.  209 Ok."}}

We have tried increasing the buffer size, but this does not seem to work.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @charl.bester

    Did you get any error messages or exceptions? Please be informed that the status close message with data state "Ok" and text "Processed <number> total items from Batch Request. <number> Ok." is an expected behavior when the application requests a batch request.

    According to the WebSocket API - Batch tutorial page, when the application sends a batch request message to the server, the first thing we get back is a Status message confirmation of the Batch request:

    Example confirmation message:

          "Text":"Processed 3 total items from Batch Request.  3 Ok."

    The close status message above means the server is advising us that it has processed the Batch request and is now closing the request stream with ID of 2 – i.e. the Batch request Stream. This is because the server is going to create individual streams for each of the RICs and allocate a unique ID to each stream.

    In your case, the WebSocket server should send the data of 209 items to the application after this close message.

    Please see more detail on the WebSocket API - Make a Batch Request for Multiple Items Tutorial page.


  • Hi,

    The actual exception that we are getting back is "Processed 209 total items from Batch Request. 209 Ok. "

  • Hi @charl.bester

    As my colleague pointed out, this is a normal and expected response from the server, confirming that it has processed your batch request - as described in the above tutorial - Tutorials | Refinitiv Developers .

    It is not an exception or error.

    The message says 209 because I am guessing you sent 209 items in your batch request.