Cannot Connect to API -- TIme sensitive

I'm getting this message and can't seem to connect


Best Answer

  • Hello @MP72 ,

    Eikon Data API attempts to connect to Eikon proxy that runs as integral part of Refinitiv Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace desktop.

    Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace should be running properly and user logged in, and of a recent version to enable API connectivity. Not fulfilling this requirement constitutes the most common cause of EDAPI connection via Eikon proxy not being established. As you are facing this this issue, I would verify these first, and if all is running, to be fully sure, try to cleanly shutdown and restart your desktop and log in before retrying Eikon Data API Quickstart steps.

    If that does not help, next suggest to work through the troubleshooting tips in Eikon Data API(Python) Troubleshooting and let us know how this looks on your side- share the log output. If the issue persists, please also share the versions of Eikon/RW, python version and the versions of the python libraries requests, https, nest-asyncio, to narrow down and pinpoint the specific issue preventing the connection to Eikon proxy from happening.