Two NIPs publishing on the same service (ADH cache)

Two NIPs publishing on the same service (ADH cache)

Best Answer

  • That's correct, it was a typo in my question, but my real configuration is correct and everthing is working as expected when I aggregate 2 services. But that's not what I want to do:

    Do you know if it's possible to connect more than one NIP to an ADH via RSSL in order to publish on the same service without aggregating 2 different services? ie NIP1 and NIP2 both configured to publish on MYNIP.


    • I'm trying to code a Non Interactive Publisher (NIP) in order to publish in an ADH via RSSL (point to point)
    • I want to connect 2 NIPs, running from 2 different hosts, in order to publish on the same service (MYNIP) and the same instruments (RIC1, RIC2, RIC3)
    • On the ADH, I configured the service MYNIP
    • (I'm using RFAJ 8)

    Here are the results of my tests:

    1. When I launch my first NIP, I can see the service "MYNIP" going UP on the ADHmon
    2. The NIP process publishes successfully on RIC1, RIC2 and RIC3
    3. When I start my second NIP process (from a different host), the service is still UP on the ADHmon, but this second NIP doesn't manage to publish on RIC1, RIC2 and RIC3
    4. If I stop the first NIP, the service goes DOWN, and my 2nd NIP is still unable to publish. According the the ADHmon, this 2nd NIP is connected, but it's not doing anything...

    My question:

    Do you know if it's possible to connect more than one NIP to an ADH via RSSL in order to publish on the same service? Or do I have to publish on two different services, then aggregate them via the ADH with this kind of configuration:

    *adh*aggregateServiceList : MYNIP
    *adh*NIPUAT*nonInteractiveSourceList : MYNIP_A, MYNIP_B
  • Refer to ADH installation guide regarding Source Aggregation, the ADH can aggregate one or more publisher application services into a single server.


    The configurations for aggregation services are:

    *adh*aggregateServiceList : LOCAL_PUB, VALUE_PUB
    *adh*LOCAL_PUB*nonInteractiveSourceList : LOCAL_PUB
    *adh*VALUE_PUB*nonInteractiveSourceList : VALUE_A, VALUE_B, VALUE_C

    From your configurations, the aggregation service is MYNIP but it uses NIPUAT in nonInteractiveSourceList configuration. The correct one should be:

    *adh*aggregateServiceList : MYNIP
    *adh*MYNIP*nonInteractiveSourceList : MYNIP_A, MYNIP_B

    With these configurations, the first NI provider should publish to MYNIP_A service while the second provider should publish to MYNIP_B service.

  • Typo:

    *adh*aggregateServiceList : MYNIP
    *adh*MYNIP*nonInteractiveSourceList : MYNIP_A, MYNIP_B
  • Please try this one:

    *adh*aggregateServiceList : MYNIP
    *adh*MYNIP*nonInteractiveSourceList : MYNIP

    Each NIP must have an unique instance ID.

  • You may also set markGroupsSuspectOnPublisherDown to False so that the ADH will not generate group outage notification when publisher applications within
    the source list of an aggregate service go inactive. All items will remain in cache and the state of the items will
    remain unchanged.

    *adh*MYNIP*markGroupsSuspectOnPublisherDown : False
  • *adh*aggregateServiceList : MYNIP
    *adh*MYNIP*nonInteractiveSourceList : MYNIP

    This is working. Thanks a lot!