How to obtain list of "to be delisted" RICs on Refinitiv real time feed?

We'd like to programmatically obtain information about stocks to be delisted, ultimately to know in advance when RIC becomes inactive ( not available on Refinitiv RT/Elektron feed )..

Best Answer

  • Hello @RG1 ,

    The recommended approach is to utilize Instrument Changes listed on My Refinitiv -> Instrument Changes.

    The list is made available as excel and the changes grouped by date, starting with the current and going into the future and including changes, adds, deletes. If not all of the types are required, you may wish to process only the changes that are required- deletes.

    Once the list of instrument changes is downloaded locally, it may be saved as CSV to be absorbed for programmatic lookup per RIC.

    The downloaded list will have to be refreshed periodically, to keep the local programmatic lookup always up-to-date, this part will have to be done manually. For accuracy, I would check once per month or once per quarter, but you will find some changes that are planned for as late as end of 2025 already included now at the end of 2022.

    Hope that this information helps


  • Thank you @zoya faberov , but the link does not work for me (404)

  • Hello @RG1 ,

    Please log into My Refinitiv with your customer account credential, and try again, let me know if this works?

  • Hello @RG1 ,

    As you mention that you are able to log into My Refinitiv, you should also be able to access RIC Changes from menu option Notifications and Alerts on the left-hand side of the front page:


    If you continue facing the issue this way, I would suggest clearing cache and cookies on your browser and trying the same steps in Incognito browser mode.

    If this does not help, this is likely to be an access issue that is specific to your user ID, and would suggest opening a support case via Get Support to verify the access issue.

    Let us know how this works on your side?