R package available for Eikon?

Is there an available R package for interfacing with Eikon? The only package I found, reikon, has limited working functionality of extracting the CLOSE fields for RICs but no option for extracting further fields and no plans for future enhancements. I see for Bloomberg there exist R packages with full functionality. Any R existing package for Eikon or are there any future development plans for the TR API group to provide such a package to the TR user community?


Best Answer

  • @claudiu Thanks for your question. The reikon package is open source but does work for sure as I have tried it. You can alter the source to access other realtime fields such as "Bid", "Ask" etc as it uses the .NET API. However, it is rather fiddly and not the experience we want for our developers. We have a new generation of web APIs which we are trying to rush to market - which are both language and OS agnostic and are designed for use in environments such as R and Python. They offer access to pretty much all content in Eikon. We plan to beta a native python version in the near future. We plan to open source the Python wrapper - so it can easily be ported to other environments such as R or Julia for example. I hope this can help you.


  • Jason,

    Can you please provide a more specific timeframe for "near future" release?

    In the meantime is there any possibility for the Eikon team to enhance the existing reikon package to being able to access other fields of RICs, to allow an interim fully functional R interface for the Thomson Reuters community? The reikon package works well in doing what it promises but I would like for example to download the dividend information, historical ex dates and dividend amounts for a stock, and use it to generate historical stock adjusted close quotes.



  • Hi Claudiu - The reikon package currently only uses a data api that can provide realtime and timeseries only - not any fundamental or reference data such as the types you describe above. So given where we are with our new web APIs it probably does not make sense to write R wrappers for our other APIs as you will have access to everything from these web APIs. I'm sorry I cant really be more specific as to the timeframe but we are currently looking at a beta in Q1. I hope this can help.

  • How's the "Rush" coming along?

    You have numerous complaints of R users and non-functioning APIs on your website with no feedback.

    Additionally, you guys are no longer supported by Matlab...

    Working R wrappers to your APIs are badly needed as most users do not have the luxury of working full time to get TR resources to work

  • Hi, any news on the New web API?

  • You can get my open source R package that can be used with the Thomson Reuters Eikon API proxy

  • Hi Ahmed,

    Thanks for responding. Your Github readme has a line mentioning “To use this R api you will need to have Thomson Reuters Eikon API Proxy installed and running”. What does this mean?


  • Hi all, Im the developer behink the reikon package. I lost access to Eikon for a while. Now Im back (but I also have Bbg and that package works really well so Im quite confy with that). @jason.ramchadani do you have any news about the API? Is this the same API that @Ahmed built his package against? (JSON oriented) Is it possible to get real time values with it?

  • Hi @claudiu, this is a Thomson Reuters product that gives access to the
    APIs from scripting languages.

    We are going to release a beta version
    sometimes in April. If you want to participate in the beta EAP, please contact

    Jorge Santos (Jorge.santos@thomsonreuters.com)
    and Iain Scott (iain.scott@thomsonreuters.com)

    Note : Thomson Reuters provides and supports a
    python package to use with the proxy.

    I myself published the R package as open source
    project to help R users but this is not supported by TR.


  • @juancentro apols for delayed response just saw this - we are just about to beta our new web APIs delivered via the new Eikon Scripting Proxy. Yes Ahmed built his R package against the same interface. We are awaiting integration of a new streaming API - so we will not include that component in this phase of the beta program but may add it later when it is ready. We have included a snapshot service in the beta to try to offer some realtime prices. Would you like me to add you to the beta?

  • >> Additionally, you guys are no longer supported by Matlab...

    MathWorks has added support for Elektron in R2017a release. Please refer to documentation: https://www.mathworks.com/help/datafeed/thomson-reuters-elektron.html

  • Ahmed,
    There seems to be some error in your package --> using your example from github docs :

    data_frame = get_data(list("IBM", "GOOG.O", "MSFT.O"), list("TR.PriceClose", "TR.Volume", "TR.PriceLow"))

    Error in get_request_info() : object 'requestInfo' not found

  • The example works fine for me. Can you try re-download the package to make sure you have the latest version ?


  • @hamza.malik, would you please create a separate posting on the forum for your issue?

  • This is the package I personally use and works fine.


  • I have this error, can someone help me?

    Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Failed to connect to localhost port 9000: Connection refused

    I set the follow code in R console, to set session and get data from Eikon

    set_app_id("user@mycompany") set_proxy_port(9000L) eikonapir::get_data('IBM','cf_close')

    The error ocurs when I set this command onto console

    eikonapir::get_data('IBM','cf_close') Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Failed to connect to localhost port 9000: Connection refused

    Could @Ahmed help me? I use R wrapper for Thomson Reuters Eikon API post https://github.com/ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir/


    Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Failed to connect to localhost port 9000: Connection refused
  • @samora the api id is not your email. Instead, you need to create it separately on Eikon in the Eikon Menu > Developer > App Key Generator. Let me know if this helps. Also, should you have any additional questions, I encourage you to start a new topic rather than posting to an already resolved one.