Data not aligned

I have a couple of issues regarding data downloads via APIs on Eikon and in particular:

1) "Period / Data not aligned
(A.N RIC is just an example, we have the same issue with several equities.)

E.g.: equity A.N

Python extraction:

Data shown in Eikon (it seems that these are correct):


As you can see the value 3,017 corresponds to 2000Q4 in Eikon and to 2000Q3 via Python.

How can I solve this?

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

    The TR.F.TOTREVBIZACTIV field has its own fperiod field (TR.F.TOTREVBIZACTIV.fperiod) so you need to use this field instead for the financial period of "Revenue from Business Activities - Total".

    df, err = ek.get_data(
        ['TR.ISSOURCE.DATE','TR.ISSOURCE.fperiod','TR.ISSOURCE.pefiodenddate', 'TR.ISSOURCE', 
        {'SDate': "1980-01-01", 'EDate': "2022-12-31",'Frq': 'FQ','Period': 'FQ0','ReportingState': 'ALL'},

    The output is:


    I hope that this information is of help