How to run example of IProvider and Consumer applications?

I'm trying to run below commands as per the guide:

java -cp .;target/RTSDKJ_Maven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.refinitiv.ema.provider.IProvider

java -jar ./target/RTSDKJ_Maven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

But both commands throws class not found exception. When I checked inside the jar file, I couldn't find the specific classes as well.

Can anyone help me to find how to run these commands?

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @hanhuitan

    If your source code directory is based on the EMA Java source code like the following example.

    Your pom.xml setting must be matched this directory structure as follows:


    Then you need to run the single-all-dependencies jar file with the following classpath

    java -cp .;target/RTSDKJ_Maven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

    java -jar ./target/RTSDKJ_Maven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar


  • Hello @hanhuitan

    It seems the RTSDKJ_Maven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar file does in included the Dependencies classes.

    How did you build the jar? I am assuming that you are using Maven, did you set Maven to build a single-all-dependencies jar file in the pom.xml file?

    You can find an example in the "Building the project" section of the How to Set Up Refinitiv Real-Time SDK Java Application with Maven article.

    Please note that the classpath in a <manifest> tag must match the source code directory.

    <project xmlns="; xmlns:xsi=";
                                <mainClass><Main Class></mainClass>
  • Hello @hanhuitan

    Which version of the EMA API you are using?

    • If you want to use EMA Java L1 --> Please specify the EMA library version "" in the pom.xml dependency setting
    • If you want to use EMA Java L2 --> Please specify the EMA library version "" in the pom.xml dependency setting

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi,

    Can I get a maven example project instead of Gradle?

  • Hello @hanhuitan

    The RTSDK Java is currently available with Gradle-based by default. However, you can submit a change request to the product team via the page.

  • Hi
    @wasin.w ,

    Could you please give me this project with maven?

  • Hello @hanhuitan

    The project above is based on the How to Set Up Refinitiv Real-Time SDK Java Application with Maven article, but you need to change the source code to the EMA Java example one.

    Another practical step-by-step guide to set up an EMA Java examples project with Maven is the How to Set Up Real-Time SDK Java Application with Maven on the Eclipse IDE article.

    As I said earlier, the RTSDK Java is available with Gradle-based by default. However, you can submit a change request to the product team via the page.